Creativity, Creative Thinking, and What We Can Learn from Sid Parnes

Francois Coetzee
3 min readNov 28, 2023


Photo by fauxels

Creativity, creative thinking, and creative problem-solving are facets of human cognition that have been increasingly recognized as critical skills in various professional and personal contexts. Sidney J. Parnes, a pioneer in creative studies, significantly contributed to our understanding of these processes.

Creativity is often defined as the ability to produce novel and appropriate work. It is not solely about artistic expression but is a valuable asset in business, science, education, and daily life problem-solving. Creative thinking, on the other hand, refers to the cognitive processes used when attempting to generate fresh ideas. It involves divergent thinking, the ability to conceive multiple solutions to a given problem, and convergent thinking, narrowing down these solutions to find the best one.

Sid Parnes, a prominent figure in creative studies, focused on the idea that creativity and creative thinking are not exclusive gifts to the artistic or innately talented but skills anyone can develop and enhance. He focused on systematic creativity — creative thinking as a structured process that could be taught, learned, and applied.

Parnes and Alex Osborn co-founded the Creative Problem-Solving Institute (CPSI) and developed the Osborn-Parnes Creative Problem-Solving Process (CPS). His work stressed the importance of divergent and convergent thinking in problem-solving. Divergent thinking is about generating multiple, varied ideas, while convergent thinking involves refining those ideas and selecting the most promising ones.

He advocated using deliberate techniques to foster creativity, such as brainstorming and elaborating the CPS model. He believed that creativity could be systematically encouraged through education and practice. Parnes emphasized the importance of creating environments that promote risk-taking and open-mindedness, essential for creative thinking to flourish.

Parnes also highlighted the role of attitude in the creative process, suggesting that a positive outlook towards problem-solving can significantly enhance one’s creative output. His teachings imply that by adopting certain attitudes and behaviours and using structured processes, anyone can approach challenges more creatively and develop innovative solutions.

Overall, Sid Parnes contributed to a more inclusive understanding of creativity, transforming it from a mysterious talent to a structured discipline that can be cultivated and utilized in virtually any context.
Sid Parnes and Alex Osborn are most well-known for developing the Creative Problem-Solving (CPS) process. The CPS model is a structured method for generating innovative and practical solutions to problems. Parnes emphasized that creativity is not an inborn talent but a skill that can be developed and nurtured in individuals and groups.

Four lessons from Sid Parnes

1. Creativity Can Be Structured: The CPS process shows that creativity can be approached methodically, which is especially useful in organizational settings where innovation is required.

2. Everyone is Capable of Creativity: Parnes believed every individual could be creative with the right tools and environment.

3. The Importance of Idea Generation: Before rushing to judgment, it is crucial to produce many ideas. Quantity breeds quality in the realm of creative thinking.

4. The Role of Environment: For creativity to flourish, an environment that encourages risk-taking and values diverse perspectives is essential.

To cultivate creativity in everyday life, one can employ various techniques inspired by Parnes’ teachings:

  • Brainstorming: Regularly practice brainstorming sessions without criticism to generate ideas.
  • Osborn-Parnes checklist: Use this checklist to explore a problem from different perspectives.
  • Journaling: Keep a journal to record ideas, insights, and experiences that might spark creative solutions later.
  • Mind Mapping: Create mind maps to visually organize information and discover connections between seemingly unrelated concepts.

Sid Parnes left a legacy that profoundly affects how we understand and apply creativity in multiple aspects of our lives. His work underlines the importance of nurturing creative thinking and provides us with tools. By embracing Parnes’ principles, we can enhance our capacity to think creatively and solve problems more effectively, unlocking our full innovation and growth potential.

Join us at ACRE28, Africa’s Premier Creativity and Creative Thinking Conference in 2024 at Klein Kariba, South Africa!



Francois Coetzee

Francois Coetzee is a creative thinker, NLP trainer and coach, and lives for creating possibility. Connect with him on LinkedIn