I read your articles because there is always a nugget in there that is valuable. Your conclusions may be true for you and the way it works in your experience, but to generalize your experience may be taking it too far.
I set a target and I read more than a hundred books a year cover to cover for pure enjoyment. On top of that I probably partially read as many as that by dipping in and out to the useful parts. I don't count books I read partially.
I do not scan or speed-read. I consciously focus on having at least an hour of reading time a day and often I read for two to three hours. It is not a chore.
Whatever I learn or need to remember finds it way to my notebook and/or a mindmap. Often picking up books outside of my "purpose" teach me more about purpose and wisdom than a purposefully selected book. Random books are part of the adventure.
I am also willing to concede that you have many valid points in your article and that my experience differs from the self development obsessed.
For now I am floating along on the reading journey. If there is a destination, I will get to it.